In today’s economy, medical inflation is putting great pressure on retirees and the medical plans they rely on. As administrative resources and Medicare expertise continue to shrink, the retirement population is expanding. Fortunately, Jones Health and Benefits Agency is the right partner that can provide solutions that can work for employers and individuals aging into Medicare.

EMPLOYER GROUPS - Be good to your retirees and your budget.
Working only with highly rated carriers that can provide superior service, Jones Health and Benefits help employers accomplish 3 key goals:
- Fulfills an important obligation to retirees.
- Integrates with Medicare, taking advantage of Medicare's cost-containment measures.
- Takes retirees out of the active employee medical plan, which can improve the efficiency of the employee plan.
INDIVIDUAL MEDICARE – Access an experience, independent broker for unbiased assistance
Using a licensed Medicare insurance broker can save you thousands of dollars over the term of your Medicare plan. Additionally:
- Jones Health and Benefits is contracted to represent many major companies offering a variety of plans.
- Education with initial enrollment choices and an annual review to make sure you are in the best plan at the best price
- Our singular focus is to ensure your peace of mind and good health while receiving the maximum coverage at the lowest price. The best part is, we don’t charge for our services. You’ll never see a bill from us!

By submitting this form, a licensed agent/broker may contact you to discuss Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans.
Jones Health and Benefits is a Georgia based insurance agency focused on senior health care. Our agency is built on the cornerstone of educating beneficiaries about Medicare Insurance. We are dedicated to helping people get the maximum coverage available at the lowest price, while providing the best coverage options available.
For Medicare Inquiries: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 9 organizations which offer 332 products in your area. Please contact , 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.